At least this wet weather has given me some downtime to do some restorations to my boat. I cant think of anything else good to come out of all this rain. I hope to have the boat back in top shape if the weather and water ever decide to return to some level of normal for this time of year. Anyone else using this time of season to get some repairs done?

Posted Wed Dec 16, 2009 12:53 pm


At least this wet weather has given me some downtime to do some restorations to my boat. I cant think of anything else good to come out of all this rain. I hope to have the boat back in top shape if the weather and water ever decide to return to some level of normal for this time of year. Anyone else using this time of season to get some repairs done?

I used to have a 17' 6" Stratos that I had to do a lot of repairs on just about this time of year but, it was 12 years old. So yes, I can relate to what you are talking about. Most repairs were minor but, sometimes not.

Posted Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:13 pm

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